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MIS3535 Journal Entries

Week 1:

This week, the PMs met with the BAs and began hashing out some of the objectives for the semester. Firstly, we discussed their first interview about the Gender Knot project. At first, the PMs did not quite understand the project, and quite frankly the first interview did not do all that much to help. We planned to make sure the second interview would get us all the information we needed about the requirements of the project. Also, during week 1, we set our weekly meeting time of Wednesday at 5, right before the BAs have class. We also established a text messaging group for communication during the week outside of our meeting. Overall, the week went well. We established some objectives and created some deliverables for our BAs (including the first draft of their individual scope documents). Personally, I helped review some of the individual scope documents and I also began to provide feedback as the BAs began uploading them.

Week 2:

Week 2 had the groups’ second interview, so we met as a group to discuss questions. We wanted to make sure that we got the information we needed to really understand the requirements of the Gender Knot project. We sat with the BAs and helped them formulate ten quality questions that would help us get this information. I sat in on the second interview to make sure all the important questions were asked, and provided feedback to the team when the interview concluded. We received tons of information from the interview and I believe it went very well. Also, the final draft of the group scope document is due on 2/18, so we helped the group consolidate their individual scopes into a group one, which as of the end of week 2 is still in progress. I personally assisted with the refinement of the objectives, assumptions, and constraints sections, as those were initially rather vague and some of them missed the mark.

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7: 

Week 7 saw the beginning of our team’s prototype. In the beginning of the semester, I offered myself as someone who is experienced in JIM, so I know I will be providing the group a lot of assistance over the next few weeks. We had our usual team meeting just to make sure everything was up-to-date, which it was, and I scheduled some meetings for Week 8 to meet with Mia, the dedicated JIM prototyper, to work 1-on-1 on the foundations of the team’s prototype.




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