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Academic History-


I graduated from Hillsborough High School in 2012. While in High School I was a member of the Peer Mentoring program from 2010-2012. This was a program in which the upperclassmen mentored the incoming freshmen and aided them in the transition from Middle School to High School. I was also Student Council president from 2011-2012. As president I worked with the rest of the council to run school wide events and functions.


College: temple-university_200x200

I am currently in my second year here at Temple University and enjoying every minute of it. I am enrolled in the Fox School of Business as an undecided business major and I plan on figuring out what specific field I want to study, in the near future. My current GPA to date is a 3.1 and I am also a part of the Temple University Snowboard Club. Go Owls.

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