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AIS Mentorship Program

By participating in the AIS Mentorship program, I was presented with an abundance of opportunities to further explore the major of MIS. As someone who just joined the major, I was welcomed with open arms by my peer mentor who was gracious enough to teach me the ropes. One important thing I learned this semester as a new member thanks to the mentorship program, was how to navigate the process of PRO points because before what seemed like a daunting task, is now something I am very familiar with and excited to turn-in. In addition, my mentor this year really helped me prepare myself for interviews as well as internships. By providing insightful information about her experiences as well as invaluable interview and resume tips, I was able to apply to many internships prepared and excited for my future.

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During my Spring 2021 semester, I had the pleasure of being Rhiannon Adeel’s AIS Mentor! While being a mentor definitely did differ greatly from being a mentee, it was an absolute joy being able to give someone as ambitious and kind as Rhiannon direction and insight into the MIS and AIS world. One of my favorite memories with Rhiannon this semester would have to be the time I was able to introduce her to the Project Managers of OCG. Making this introduction was very exciting for me as I was able to not only introduce her to some of the most accomplished students in the program but I was also able to introduce her to students I consider my friends. All in all, being a shoulder to lean on for my mentee this semester was something I thoroughly enjoyed and am looking forward to continuing doing for the rest of my years at Temple: as out of this I was able to share the knowledge I have learned along the way and make a great friend!

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