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Secure a Career in Cloud Computing

While in the Secure a Career in Cloud Computing webinar this last Thursday (2-25-2021) at 1 pm, thanks to the Fox School of Business and MIS department, I had a wonderful time hearing speakers Mr. Lindsley, Mr. Vujosevic, Ms. Nwokobia, Mr. Nguyen and Mr. Scanlon speak about their respective experiences in the ever-evolving world of technology.  All of their different companies and diverse professional backgrounds allowed for a very engaging panel and presentation. The group mainly focused on cloud computing and relayed to us students how cloud computing is the way of the future. More specifically, each speaker touched on the importance and differences of the main three cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud). This part of the webinar was especially insightful as it provided the pros and cons of each and allowed for us as students to understand the application and usability of each.

This webinar will be something I can easily apply to my future and career goals as I now have the knowledge and basic understanding of how these cloud computing services work and how their in-demand application to many different facets of business such as data storage, disaster recovery, and data backup can be effectively applied in order to optimize operations. Additionally, next semester I will be taking Cloud Architecture so I am excited that I was able to learn a bit about cloud computing before going into the course.

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