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My Summer at QVC

My Summer at QVC

My internship at QVC has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional career.

It started back in February when I was just beginning my second semester internship search. After having a quite difficult time during the Fall I was determined for this to be my time. As a part of the American Marketing Association, one of my duties is to take part in organizing the Career & Internship Reception that our chapter holds every year. Through this event I met a lot of company representatives prior and was excited to finally introduce myself in person. Since networking doesn’t come easy for me, it was hard to get over my fear and talk to recruiters. I finally took a step toward the QVC table and look where we are now!

Starting back in May, I was absolutely terrified about the summer ahead and I was very surprised when the QVC team welcomed all its interns with such warmth. After going through 2 days of orientation I was ready to begin learning! The first week was full of adjusting to my new job and getting used to my team, understanding my duties, and learning the business as a whole. Every day brought something different and I am thankful for my team that always pushed for me to do things & take on more responsibility. With QVC having its own tools & software I had to learn my way around it and I am proud to say that I now can do my job quite well! Of course, it was not without mistakes that I got here. There was plenty of times where I misread an email or possibly put a wrong date on something. Even though in the moment I felt terrible about the mistakes I made, I also realized that it is impossible to learn without them. I also understood that even if you are in the business for a long time it is still not uncommon to have a small mess up – we’re all humans and we all have them.

The QVC team also allowed me to show my creativity through allowing me to create new website pages that I thought would be beneficial for the customer experience. Everyone here has been very open to new ideas and not only listening to them but also implementing them. It is very rewarding to see your work show up on the screen and knowing there are thousands of people in the world that will see it too! Through this process I got to collaborate with other departments such as copy-writing, development, and design, which expanded my professional network. Knowing people on other teams made it easier for me to communicate with them as well.

Additionally, the internship programming has been nothing but amazing! Through many organized Lunch & Learn sessions I learned about each part of the QVC business including Global Brand Strategy, Buying & Planning, Marketing, and Social Media. Our intern group was also lucky to meet several members of the leadership team who shared their wisdom about career opportunities and offered advice to us by answering any questions we had. Meeting the Scott Brothers who often are guests at QVC was another highlight of my time here. Jonathan and Drew, both funny & smart, told our intern group about their journey, what it means to be working with your sibling, and how we should go about selecting a career path. Finally, all of us got to participate in the intern project which focused on creating a marketing strategy for QVC and presenting it to over 10 company executives. This experience helped me get to know other interns around the company that I might not be working as closely with.

Besides all of the great professional experience that QVC has given me, it has also brought more friends into my life! It has been wonderful working with my fellow E-commerce interns and learning our way around the company together.

This summer was possibly one of the most memorable one for me and it has been an awesome journey being a part of the “Digital Jungle”! I am so glad that with my internship at I learned the QVC difference and experienced what Find What You Love, Love What You Find is all about.






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