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Artemid Leskaj changed their profile picture 04 January, 2021 |
Artemid Leskaj changed their profile picture 04 January, 2021 |
Artemid Leskaj changed their Major to MS IT Auditing and Cyber-security 09 September, 2020 |
Artemid Leskaj profile was updated 09 September, 2020 |
Artemid Leskaj profile was updated 04 September, 2020 |
Artemid Leskaj added the following to their Skills and Interests - , , 03 September, 2020 |
Artemid Leskaj and 582 others received 50 points for participating in the Data Analytics Challenge - 2013 11 March, 2015 |
Artemid Leskaj and 582 others received 50 points for attending inciteXchange 2013 11 March, 2015 |
Artemid Leskaj and 582 others received 50 points for participating in the design challenge - Spring 2015 11 March, 2015 |
Artemid Leskaj and 582 others received 50 points for Design Challenge Spring 2013 (Imported Data) 11 March, 2015 |
Artemid Leskaj got their e-portfolio approved 27 August, 2014 |
Artemid Leskaj and 1 others received 25 points for participating in an IBIT/CDI Challenge or Conference in Spring 2016 03 December, 2013 |
Artemid Leskaj and 544 others received 25 points for Meet with IT Awards Recipient 2013 (Imported Data) 30 November, -0001 |
Disclaimer: The information included in e-portfolios are posted and maintained by the applicable individual. Temple University makes no representation as to the accuracy or currency of this information.