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The State of IT Today and Post COVID-19: Online Panel

This was an online panel regarding how COVID-19 has affected the world of Information Technology hosted by IBIT. It was hosted via Zoom on April 27th. I learned a lot about how this pandemic has affected IT and the business world specifically. I learned how some companies have adapted well to a work-from-home culture and see not much difference in work after the pandemic. This surprised me because I pictured all companies being affected as most still have lots of employees that work in offices and come into work every day. It makes sense that many companies were prepared as working remotely/from home is more common as technology and video conferencing software has enabled this. However, many companies are struggling and a panelist shared how according to a survey done by PwC, 53% of CFOs are seeing profit loss due to the pandemic. This has changed the concept of physical office space, as some organizations see it as more of an expense if they can keep employees working remotely.


This relates to my career goals because the economy plays a substantial part in my education and career prospects. Many internships and job offers of my fellow classmates have been revoked due to this pandemic and it is important to understand what is going on due to world issues, and COVID-19 has had a large impact on the economy and the business world.

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