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Cloud Architect Intern

Interned at SEI Sphere as a Cloud architect intern. Sphere provides scalable managed services and hosting that clients can rely on 24×7, building on 50 years of experience in operating a company in a highly regulated environment.

Tasks and projects involved:

  • Design, develop, and implement solutions for the operational areas on behalf of SEI Sphere clients in SEI’s Azure tenant (CSP)
  • Managing and monitoring services running in SEI’s Azure tenant (CSP)
  • Work with information security and architect teams to implement and manage security services within SEI’s Azure tenant (CSP)
  • Implement Azure policies and create reports/alerts on any inconsistencies within client environments.
  •  Design, implement, and configure M365 implementations on behalf of SEI Sphere client
  • Lead a team in a 10-week Case Competition: The True Value of UX. This project involved looking into SEI’s SWP and determining if it was worth expanding the platform’s user experience budget and why.

This experience was especially valuable for me as the job was within a fin-tech company. I learned a lot about cloud architecture and user experience, both of which will be courses I will be taking this fall. I also learned more about sales and how clients are onboarded over the course of many months. The most valuable skillset that I practiced over the course of this internship was leading others and guiding discussions with my team.

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