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My Hobbies and Dream

My goal is to complete accounting degree at fox school of business. After that, I want to study international businesses. The reason of studying international businesses is to learn world economy. Today, the competition is not limited to one country; it’s more on global platform. My dream is to study different culture, visit different countries and to work with different people. I love travelling, and internet business is the best course that will provide me the best platform.

I love watching movies and listening music. As Plato says, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” I think, music is the great way to relax you. It gives you pleasure and energy to do things that you love. After listening to music I concentrate more on studying and understand more, as it makes me relax.

After completing my education, I want to visit countries like Singapore, Dubai, Switzerland, London and Australia. This is my all time dream, as I love travelling.

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