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Social Media Analytic

Social media analytic is the practice of gathering data from blogs and social media websites and analyzing that data to make business decisions. The most common use of social media analytic is to mine customer sentiment in order to support marketing and customer service activities.
Social media analytic is becoming very popular as it helps company to capture customer data to understand attitudes, opinion and trends to manage its online reputation, to predict customer’s behavior to earn greater customer satisfaction, create customized campaigns and promotion, and to identify the primary influences within specific social network.

How the topic relates to the material we have covered in Data Analytic class:
There are two types of data: transnational data and analytic data. Social media analytic fall under analytic data format as we have discussed in data analytic class. Analytic data captures data to support analysis and reporting. As we have learnt in class analytic data stores historical transnational and summary data by OLAP (Online Analytic Processing). The social media analytic is an analytic data that uses historical information of social network to analyze customer’s buying pattern, their like and dislike, and their search pattern. This information supports managerial decision making by doing periodic analysis. In this class we talk about different types of analytic but did not talk about social media analytic. The use of social media is highly increasing from past 10 years, and customer writes their opinion openly on social media. It’s really important for company to learn about their customer’s opinion and preference, and the best way to know about it is by social networking sites.
IBM social media analytic enables companies to go social beyond mere social listing. The capacity of company to access global social media impact, segment audiences, understands relationships and discovers new opportunities, IBM social media analytic help organizations improve and refine their business strategies and tactics. IBM social media analytic can help organization harness business intelligence across the enterprise.

Citation: Social Media Analytics- Unlock the value of customer sentiment in social media

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