Community Platform
  • App development
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Cyber-security
  • Data analytics
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About Me



Hi there!!!

My name is Anne Terwilliger. I am a sophomore MIS major and digital marketing minor from Alexandria, Virginia. In the growing technological world, I have found a home with MIS. There is so much to learn in a constantly changing world. I have had experience working for a web development and marketing company, Ironistic, as well as a new position for a non-profit organization, The Community Grocer. These experiences have helped me jump-start more professional roles, and learn how to work within different types of businesses.

During my time a Temple, along with the courses I take, I am involved in 2 different organizations. The first is the professional Sales Organization that has taught me the 5 steps sales process and how to communicate on a professional level. The second is the Association of Information Systems, which has been my first step into more technological careers. These have helped me develop my professional skills in both the personable face-to-face world, as well as the technological world.


Work and Fun Activities


Academic Activities Organizations My Favorite Activities
Association Information Systems Temple University IT Services Travel
Professional Sales Organization Ironistic: Full Service Web Development and Marketing Agency StarGaze
Delta Phi Epsilon The Community Grocer: TCG Read


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