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Interesting Facts Page

Here are some interesting facts about me!

  • A movie I can watch on repeat no matter what day is Creed 2. It is a movie about motivation and the pursuit of dreams. So of course, it would make sense for me to love it while I am chasing my own dream in college.
  • My favorite sports team is the Philadelphia Eagles, of course. I was born in North Carolina, but upon moving to Philadelphia when I turned 16, I became a quick fan.
  • A TV show I am watching right now is One Piece. It is an amazing adventure story with moments that are guaranteed to make you cry.
  • I used to have three pets. A German Shepherd, Bassat Hound, and PitBull. But, unfortunately, two of the three passed away.
  • Applications I visit daily would have to be TikTok so I can have a quick laugh, and Gmail. I like to stay up to date with my mail so I can be able to reply fast enough.
  • One of the coolest things I have ever done was in Highschool when I was a junior. During the season opener for Football, I caught the football for a 60-yard reception in front of everyone.
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