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ISACA/Temple Webinar – May 2022 – Technically Speaking – Practical Communication Skills for IT Professionals

“ISACA/Temple Webinar – May 2022 – Technically Speaking – Practical Communication Skills for IT Professionals”

Spring 2022


We used software they provided to attend a listening and somewhat interactive webinar

We learned about tips and interesting facts about meetings. From a poll that the speaker, Kareem, took. 60% of people do not like attending and communicating In a meeting. Because of this, he gave up tips. One tip was to listen more intensively. An example was going with the flow of conversation and being mindful of your intended destination.

This webinar was critical to my career goals because as an individual attending a lot of meetings in my internships and hopefully careers, I need to know what information to gather from meeting and how I can try my best not to make the interactions awkward. In the IT career path, you need to know all the details about your projects and how it can relate to what you want to communicate to other people.

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