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MIS 0855- Data Science

– Throughout this class, I got to learn about the enormous amount of data and information that we are living in. Data pour in from sources as diverse as social media, online shopping pages, search engines, etc. This course also shows me the variety of way on how to harness the power of data by mastering the ways it is stored, organized, and analyzed to enable better decisions. From there, I also had the chance  to make more impactful and persuasive presentations by learning the key principles of presenting data visually.

MIS 2101- Information Systems in Organizations

This course is the introduction course to the MIS major. It explains the role of information technology as a business enabler. Moreover, MIS 2101 also gives me the opportunity to work with different technical modules in business such as  customer relationship management systems, enterprise systems, swim lanes, entity relationship Diagram( ERD).

ACCT 3501- Intermediate Accounting I.

– In this class, I got to study deeper into the advance principal of the accounting language. I learnt how to read and finished a complete financial report( including Balance Sheet, Income Statement, etc) for my final project. You can view the result of my personal project by clicking here.




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