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Extra/Co-Curricular Activities and Interests

My favorite hobby is listening to people which oddly developed into an extra-curricular activity and position that I hold at Temple University. That position is being a Resident Assistant. This position expanded on my hobby of listening because it was a chance for me to not only listen, but affect young adults’ lives and their college experience in a positive and creative manner. I found myself being a role model, a listener, and an advisor, as well as an event coordinator, conflict mediator, police officer, tutor, caregiver, and medic. There is nothing like this experience and it has and continues to prepare me for whatever obstacles await me in the future.


When I switched my major from Psychology to Management Information Systems, Temple’s Association for Information Systems (AIS) definitely provided me with the foundation that I needed to learn, thrive, and succeed.  Through weekly meetings that cover topics from workshops in using technology to how do well at interviews, along with many more invaluable skills, AIS has and continues to develop me professionally, network, and get involved in my community.



Cancer is just a six letter word to those who have not felt its effects either directly or through someone they know. To me, cancer has been relevant since 2008. That year is when my best friend’s mother, Lucy, was diagnosed with stage four metastatic breast cancer. She was my mentor and the epitome of what it meant to be selfless. She started her own fund called the Lucy, not only to raise awareness of the disease, but to push research to help those who came after her. After her death on August 16th 2012, I took upon the liberty of continuing her legacy and started raising awareness at Temple University with the Owl Take A Stand movement. Through our successes we created a Relay for Life team to raise money for cancer research and take a stand for something bigger than ourselves.  No one should go through cancer alone, so by raising awareness my team and I aspire to inspire those we come in contact with.


Due to my competitive nature I love sports. Basketball, football, soccer, you name it I probably have or still play the sport. I currently play on an intramural basketball team at Temple University. When I am not playing I usually am cheering for favorite teams: Miami Heat (I liked them in 2004, before they got LeBron James), Philadelphia Eagles, FC Barcelona, and the Philadelphia Phillies.


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