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Centro Webinar: State of Pharma and Healthcare

Centro, a provider for digital advertisers, was hosting a 3-part webinar series in the midst of COVID-19. I attended part 3, State of Pharma and Healthcare. Experts April Weeks and Lindsey Free discussed how every industry is being impacted by COVID-19 and that pharmaceuticals are categorized as a low exposure impact. While much of the impact comes from supply chain issues and travel restrictions, there is an increased impact on patient and caregiver relations. Many brands (healthcare and non-healthcare) are taking the opportunity to spread informative messages that are helpful and valuable. The use of telemedicine has also increased, and is predicted to become a more normalized healthcare service.

Several things are occurring in effect due to COVID-19, such as businesses closing or needing to operate in a more digital manner. This webinar showed some ways that companies are responding, specifically digital marketing in the Pharma and Healthcare industry. I am more aware of how companies are operating internally rather than just seeing the end product from a consumer perspective.

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