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About Me


I was born and raised in Bethlehem, PA and graduated from Freedom High School. In high school, I worked at a local ice cream store, The Bethlehem Dairy Store, where I gained my first work experience.  I was able to gain and practice leadership skills in a fast-paced environment by taking initiative and learning to delegate tasks. I was also able to improve my communication skills by continuously talking to customers, resolving conflicts, and communicating with fellow employees and management. I was able to gain confidence, independence and invaluable social skills.

In the fall of 2013, I began my freshman year at Temple as an undecided business major. After taking a variety of business classes, I became increasingly interested in Management Information Systems. It seemed to allow me to join my ever-growing interest in technology with solid problem solving and critical thinking skills while allowing me to use my personality and social skills. I refined my professional goals and became an MIS major my junior year.



As I began the MIS coursework, I was able to improve my various technical skills. Through these classes I was exposed to various industry used technologies including: Excel, Tableau, R, MySQL, various coding languages, and many more. In addition to technical skills, the Management Information Systems curriculum enabled me to refine my leadership and other non-technical skills. During my classes, I gained valuable hands on experience working with various group on projects. These group projects provided me with great experiences that I can rely on as I enter the work force. For more information on my academic experience and coursework please clink on the links below.

My Courses

Course Work Samples



I would like to secure a position as a business analyst and ultimately a project manager. I also plan on continuing to educate myself, and improve my skill set particularly the technical aspects of it including graduate school.

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