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MIS 2101: This class served as introductory course for MIS and explored different career options for MIS majors. Additionally, it introduced us to swim lane diagrams and entity relationship diagrams

MIS 2502: This course focused on data analysis and data mining and we worked with databases, specifically SQL. We also used R for analysis of more statistical data.

MIS 3501: In this class, we created web-based data-centric applications using programming and wrote codes using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

MIS 2501: We learned about different aspects of computer hardware and software and discussed how to adapt with the changing technology. Additionally, in this class we worked heavily with Microsoft Azure.

All of these classes were crucial to either learning the skills or technology required to excel in any potential MIS job. The two classes that were personally important to my interests were MIS 2502 and MIS 3501. Although coding is not one of my greatest strengths, it is a skill that definitely set me apart from others while I was looking for summer internships. Even though we may not learn that much coding, just knowing some basic languages and working with databases provides an advantage that not all MIS students have. Additionally, I use these skills daily at my internship and I hope to be able to carry them into my future career as well.

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