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Information Technology Internship

  1. Subaru of America is the child company of Subaru Corporation. It is a fairly large automotive company based in Camden, NJ.



2. In this internship, my main job functions were:

– Develop weekly supply chain reports and distribute to senior executives
– Assisting in the development of API\’s to streamline business processes
– Creation of business facing application user guides
– Modify existing supply chain documentation to alleviate pain points



3. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)

  • Creation of API\’s using PL/SQL- During this internship, I built API\’s to help streamline business processes. Not only did this strengthen my knowledge of coding, but it also helped me learn more about documents that business analysts are required to provide, such as FRD\’s or Use cases.
  • I worked on many smaller projects to strengthen my SQL and Excel knowledge.  For these projects, I would have to retrieve information from a database using SQL, then export it into excel and display it in a presentable format, usually using pivot tables.
  • Finally, I wrote user guides for many business facing applications. This introduced me to the process of application development and how to effectively document steps to simplify processes for the users.



4. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this internship in the context of specific courses).

This internship expanded the knowledge I received from 3506. I learned a lot about being a business analyst in that class, and this internship helped me apply it to the real world. Also, this internship built on my knowledge from 3501. I  learned a completely new programming language which will greatly help me in the future.

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