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Potential Career Paths for IT Auditors Webinar

In this webinar I learned about the role of IT auditors. The webinar was hosted by Alan Phan and his colleagues at Chubb. The webinar was hosted on March 19 over Zoom. I am a new MIS major, so I am still exploring the major and all of the different career options. Before this webinar, I had never heard of IT auditors. I learned that an IT auditor analyzes a company\\\’s technological risks and infrastructure. Mr. Phan mentioned during the webinar that IT auditors must keep in mind the regulations put in place. One of the duties of an IT auditor is to make sure the company follows these regulations. I thought it was interesting how IT auditing combines MIS and risk. This webinar showed me that MIS is even more diverse and adaptable than I originally thought. Even though IT auditing is probably not my future career path, it was interesting to hear about how MIS can translate to different fields. I think that it was important for me to hear about IT auditing since I am new to MIS. It gave me a chance to narrow down my options, and better focus my career goals.

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