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Engagement & Delivery Intern


Engagement & Delivery Intern at Pfizer

From May 2023- July 2023 I was the Engagement & Delivery intern for Pfizer Digital. My role supported a team of project managers within Pfizer’s digital department. I was given various tasks, including power automate research, DevSecOps, and understanding compliance requirements for a newly implemented system. I also ran a weekly meeting with some team members to present progress on my projects and receive feedback to improve it.

The biggest project I worked on, over the entire 10 weeks of my internship, was creating an automated flow for their project intake. I was able to research Microsoft Power Automate and apply what I learned to their existing project intake system. I ran this project on my own with support from two senior managers that I met with weekly. This project required a lot of trial and error and research about the system I was using. I was given an idea of what my manager wanted this to look like, and I made it happen by giving her models of what the system would look like and then using her feedback to improve it. In the end, we were able to create a fully automated project intake flow that saved time for all members of the team. Another large assignment I had was understanding compliance requirements and how the team manages them as well as completing the work necessary to satisfy them. I was able to identify which requirements needed to be entered into a newly released system so that my team did not lose track of the due dates. This required me to read through different plans for projects and determine which pieces of the plan matched certain compliance requirements.

More than anything, I learned what it is like to complete tasks for a large organization and collaborate on technical projects with a team. I was also able to apply my knowledge of HTML and CSS from Web Application & Development within my Power Automate project. It was an enriching experience to be given an idea, make it come to life, and then make adjustments based on what the user wants, which is everything I’ll be learning in User Experience Design this semester. Along with that, I was able to use my experience with Microsoft Suite throughout all of the tasks I was given, which was heavily supported by the assignments I had in all of my classes.

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