Current business courses:
Data-Centric Application Development: This data-centric course has enabled me to learn how to develop and design websites through the use of coding languages such as html, css, and java script
Intermediate Accounting I: This accounting course seeks to expand on my previous accounting knowledge by achieving a greater sense of the accounting profession as well as find the usefulness in financial accounting information.
International Business: In a society where globalization has become the norm and international markets are continually merging, international business is an essential course to effectively conduct business outside of the domestic market.
Completed business courses:
Data Analytics: Data analytics is a trending topic in the technological world. As we learn how to use SQL and retrieve and store information in databases, I hope to utilize this knowledge for future projects.
Cost Accounting: Accounting being my other major, this class is a great medium to understand how to control and use resources in an effective manner using financial information.
Excel for Business Application: Excel is a skill that is necessary for almost every work environment. The BA 2104 class allowed me to obtain the skills required to operate databases and to manage information for the benefit of a company or organization.