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MIS: Data Analytics Research




Quintillions of bytes of data are being created each day by every one of us. This data is being created by cellular phones usage, social media web sites, web browsing, and even video games. This is what is known as Big Data and is one of the hardest things to utilize when it comes to data analysis. Big Data is basically an attempt to analyze each of these sources of data and find hidden patterns in them that might be useful to businesses and firms. The issue with big data is not only the sheer size of the data, but we run into the problems of the data being produced at a very high rate of speed, being produced from a variety of different sources, and is this valid data that can be trusted.

Big Data is highly relative in Temple’s Fox School of Business MIS 2502 Data Analytics program. . In the Data Analytics class we explored and became knowledgeable in many different areas of data analysis such as the use of SAS programs to determine patterns hidden in the data. Big Data builds upon our current knowledge of the SAS program and dares us to discover ways to more efficiently discover hidden patterns from disparate data sources that are created at astronomical velocities. In short Big Data is just another challenge in the field of data mining that, when harnessed correctly, can further help businesses and firms to become more effective.

Some people are still skeptical of Big Data and some just do not know how to tap into it. At IBM they have created software that uses the Big Data that is pertinent to specific company’s goals to achieve huge gains in productivity. Through IBM’s software clients in the Telecommunication area are boosting a 92% increase in processing efficiency by analyzing Big Data (IBM). When analyzing Big Data in the Utilities area they have realized a 99% gain in power generator placement (IBM). Analyzing Big Data has the potential for extreme benefits and ultimately puts them in a more advantageous position over their competition.


Works Cited

“IBM What Is Big Data? – Bringing Big Data to the Enterprise.” IBM What Is Big Data? – Bringing Big Data to the Enterprise. IBM Developer Works, n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

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