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Professional Development Activities

  • “MIS careers to Curriculum”

I attended a virtual professional development workshop presented by the Fox School of Business AIS community, and presented by Professor Doyle. Professor Doyle delved into the topics of Fox School of Business’s updated curriculum in direct response to the challenges brought fourth to the department by COVID-19, as well as Fox’s predictions for the future of the technological world. Professor Doyle outlined the new course structure for the MIS department including Design, Build, Deploy, Secure, and Analyze.

The information shared in this presentation is both interesting and valuable for any MIS major because it successfully outlined and communicated the University’s plan to deliver value during the pandemic as well as outlined future curriculum changes to keep Fox Students competitive. I personally gained a ton of useful information as to the changes I will expect as a student in the Fox School of Business, as well as resources I can use to make the transition to online easier and effective.


  • “Career Opportunities in Academia and Research”

This professional development workshop was delightfully presented by Dr. Min-Seok Pang though the Fox School of Business AIS community. Before starting the discussion topic, Dr. Pang shared with the audience his amazing and difficult story about moving to the United States. In an effort to teach himself English, Dr. Pang watched every single episode of every single season of Friends 30 times! I was amazed and incredibly impressed with his resolve and resourcefulness.  Dr. Pang successfully communicated the many tools and services available to all Fox Students regarding career opportunity and support.

Among many things, I learned the value of the many amazing resources available at Fox school of Business. It is very motivating to know just the many levels and layers of support provided and cultivated by hardworking individuals like Dr. Pang. Above all else, I learned a very impressive and personal story by one of the many brilliant Professors at Temple University about teaching ones self the English language completely though a television show. Dr. Pang serves as an excellent motivational example that absolutely anything is possible with enough hard work.


  • “Organizing a Team and Delivering a Product”

Presented by Darin Bartholomew from Vanguard, this Professional Development Event focused on the correct mindset to have in the business world. As both a Technical Project Specialist from Vanguard, as well as a fellow Temple Alum, Darin communicated the driving principles necessary for success in the technological and business world. The most important first step to any business problem is to think through “What problem are you trying to solve?”. Once this is done, every single decision you make moving forward will be connected to that very problem. This business practice successfully clarifies the business goals by allowing the organization to point back to the problem that needs to be solved.

My key takeaway was focusing on the simple yet effective mindset of solving the problem first, and making the solution of that problem the driving factor for the organization. Darin was great with addressing ways to measure the outcomes of your business decisions though using Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based goals. Another great point that Darin brought up was the importance of having a sharp focus on the People, Product & Technology, and Process for business decisions, as all three are essential for success in the modern business environment.

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