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  • Cloud computing
  • Collaborative systems
  • Database administration
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Who I am:

I bring a healthy work ethic, productivity, and creativity as evidenced from my project experience within and outside the educational arena.


Software Development:          Java
Web Development:                  HTML, ASP, CSS, PHP, Microsoft FrontPage
Database Management:          Oracle11i, Microsoft Access, SQL plus, SQL, PL/SQL
Project Management:              Microsoft Project
Graphic Design:                        Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Fireworks
Photography:                            Digital media, Film photography


I currently have my Associates Degree from Montgomery County Community College in Computer Systems (PC/LAN).  I have worked various IT jobs such as software testing, data entry, and as a IT department assistant.


I would like to be able to learn, grow, and travel with a company to further my experience and knowledge within the IT and business fields.

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