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I have always had an interest in computers and started learning about them with my dad when I was very young. I currently use an Apple MacBook Pro and love it. I like upgrading RAM in computers, installing and working with new software and learning more about them every day. I really enjoy creating websites and would like to learn about new platforms for web design in the future. I used my iWeb skills to create an e-business website for Pennsylvania Future Business Leaders of America and placed first in the state and in the top fifteen in the nation with my site.


I also love cars and always have. Cars are fun to play with and learn about. I currently drive an Audi A4 3.0 Quattro and I enjoy finding out new features, how it works and how I can improve it. It is fun to drive (especially in the snow) and I would actually like to apply my degree in MIS to an IT field in the automotive industry. Researching new cars and the technology that is being implemented into them is a favorite pastime and I would really enjoy making a career of my lifelong interest in cars.

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