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Career Essentials in System Administration by Microsoft and LinkedIn

When I began this course, I thought I was taking a course on the necessary technical skills a system administrator needed to succeed.  While I did gain knowledge of those technical skills, I was surprised by how large of an emphasis the instructor put on professional skills such as how to network in the field and interviewing process techniques.  I was very happy with this course and I believe every MIS major could benefit from taking it.


The sponsoring organizations were Microsoft and LinkedIn.  The course covered many aspects of System Administration, but the chapter I found most beneficial was chapter 7, security and monitoring, as Cybersecurity is the career path that interests me the most.  This chapter taught me the benefits of securing networks, educating all members of a corporation on phishing attacks, and avoiding public domains as much as possible.  The course also taught me technical skills such as how to secure cloud resources and mitigating social engineering attacks.

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