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Introducing Robotic Process Automation

The sponsoring organizations for this certificate are LinkedIn Learning and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy.

This online course, presented by LinkedIn Learning, was similar to the test automation course, which I completed just a few days ago.  This was helpful in retaining both information for Process Automation as well as Test Automation.  This course, regarding Process Automation, was more-so professionally based than technically based.  Throughout the course, Ian Barkin outlined why process automation is an interest for all major corporations and how to best select different RPA’s to maximize the efficiency of the companies process.  He also warned against the mistake of over-automating, which was not something I particularly thought about before. This is further emphasized during the practices at the process and enterprise level.

I really enjoyed learning about process automation, and I believe it will be an important tool in the future and will be revolutionary for the efficiency of companies.  By taking advantage of process automation, corporations can refocus manual hours towards tasks that require human mental dexterity, and leave the plug-n-chug (work that most workers do not want to take part in) of standard data entry.

Similar to test automation, process automation is becoming a larger part of every corporations future plans with each passing day.  Many leading professionals, Ian Barkin included, believe that automation will be the new revolution in how businesses operate, which leads me to believe that any field I end up in will call for skills in process automation.

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