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  • Digital business models
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
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Mentorship Program

I thoroughly enjoyed the mentorship program for the guidance it was able to provide to me. I am new to the major and, had I been on my own, without a mentor, I may have had more of a struggle with finding my footing. However, with Catherine as my mentor I feel like I could network better with people in AIS. I also felt more confident going into my courses since I had been able to talk with others who had already taken the courses I had. This helped me focus on certain skills I may need to work more heavily on that I would not have focused on as much without the help of others within our SPO. I am ready to continue on through my courses and ready to be in the mentorship program in the future semesters.

Another benefit of this program was my ability to network with others in the field. I am normally pretty outgoing and a social team player, but when it came to networking within AIS, I was a bit intimidated at first. Everyone had seemed to know what they were doing, while I was just knew to the major finding my footing. However, with the help of Catherine, I was able to meet more and more people within our program that I may not have before. She has introduced me to professors, as well as many of her fellow executive board members. While I had started out being intidimated, I feel as though I can stand my ground more thoroughly and one day mentor someone myself. My networking with e-board members has encouraged me to apply for the executive board myself in the upcoming semester.

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