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NET/WORK Suburbs 2018

Name of sponsoring organization Philly

Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)

The Event was held at Turn 5 in Paoli PA. on October 17th. It was a networking event and job fair inviting tech based companies and recruiters from around the Greater Philadelphia Suburbs.

What you learned

At the event, I marketed my own personal brand and searched for internships and employment opportunities. I also learned what attributes tech employers are most looking for from recent college graduates and applicants to their internship programs. I found three or four companies I would be happy to wokr for and have been in communication with them looking for an internship.

How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals

This opportunity to network, though mostly for employment purposes, reaffirmed why I am studying MIS. I took the opportunity as a chance to better my direction, and pick courses that will lend themselves better to success in the field. I learned that I am not incredibly interested in programming, but analytics interest me greatly.

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