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About Me

My name is Evan Lehman, I am a sophomore at Temple University and I grew up in and graduated from Governor Mifflin High School in Shillington, Pennsylvania. I was previously enrolled as a Computer Science major, however I switched to Management Information Systems, as I am astonished by the workings and implementation of technology in the modern world. I will be graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in May 2025 and I wish to pursue a career in cybersecurity. Some of my hobbies include drawing, working out, playing basketball, collecting music records, and I love discovering new music and movies that I haven’t heard or seen before. I also love to research the universe and educate myself more on the stars and planets, I have always found the universe so fascinating. My favorite sports teams are the Philadelphia 76ers and the Philadelphia Eagles, I pay the most attention to the NBA and NFL. I also really enjoy going to concerts and live sporting events, I love to interact with others whilst in a public environment.

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