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Fox School of Business Fall Connection 2023 (Job & Internship Fair)

The Fox School of Business sponsored the Fall Connection 2023 and had 100+ employers in Mazur Hall, in which they were set up at tables that students were able to go up and talk to recruiters about the company and possible career paths. I walked around for about an hour and so and talked to 6+ employers about Summer 2023 internships. I talked to recruiters for Sony Music, RKM, Comcast, PwG, Bakertilly, the Cigna Group, KPMG, and more.  As an MIS major, I learned that I don’t need to specifically search for jobs labeled as “Cybersecurity” or “Software Developer” and etc.; I learned how involved MIS really is, for example many of the employers I met discussed how MIS majors are very efficient in working in jobs such as Auditing and Accounting services. I also learned the best way in which to connect with a majority of employers: by getting their contact cards and LinkedIn profiles. The employers taught me that getting jobs is all about connections and they showed me the best ways in which to connect with those employers. Another thing I learned is how to search for internships and what to expect when entering the search process. Almost every recruiter I talked to told me the importance of being willing to learn about anything and everything within the business, not just IT related fields.

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