MIS 2101 Section 701 – Amy Lavin

Which side of the divide will you end up on?

Which side of the divide will you end up on?  What are you willing to do to insure that?  Just because you will have a college degree doesn’t mean that you’ll end up on the side you expect!  If you do not make a conscious decision about this, make plans and take action, you will be very disappointed in the not too distant future.

Please check out this short article that was in The New York Times recently  http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/08/24/how-technology-wrecks-the-middle-class/?_r=0. We will spend a lot of time talking about the kinds of opportunities technology creates but only for business professionals who can truly see how technology can be leveraged strategically.  If you are one of these people then you have nothing but opportunity in front of you; if you are not, you better brush up on the skills you’ll need to cook burgers and fries!


1.  Which side of the divide will you end up on and what are you going to do to make it happen?

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