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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Design
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About Me

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I was born and raised in suburban Blue Bell which is a very small city outside of Philadelphia. I love my life back home, but it was often monotonous due to a lack of change. Temple was my top choice because everyone on campus seemed so friendly, the environment was diverse, and every day seemed like it would be different. I always had an interest in finding solutions in the business world using technology, so MIS seemed like a great fit.


Contrary to common belief as an MIS major, I do not plan on sitting behind a desk. I am interested in traveling around the country and the world finding solutions for clients no matter the size, industry, or type of problem. I have traveled to Korea and Japan so far as well as multiple states, so I wish to extend the list during my professional career. Wherever I do end up working, I will give all of my effort to being the best peer, employee, supervisor, and person I can be.

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