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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Design
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Information Technology Assistant

  1. I assisted 2 different professors in MIS 2101/2901 sections with grading, in-class and outside class teaching. I graded all the Max Labs, Learn ITs, and handled a lot of administrative work with the coding assignments. I updated the grade sheets, and starting from Week 10, I attended class to help students individually.
  2. I helped with grading and improving the grade sheets. I also helped the professors with adjusting to the new changes to the curriculum. I also gave feedback from the students about confusing parts of the curriculum, and the professors considered and adjusted their teaching accordingly.
  3. It reinforced a lot of the fundamentals of programming JavaScript since I often had to explain concepts multiple times to different students. It provided me a deeper understanding of frontend development which is a career I am very interested in.
  4. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

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