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Legal environment of business

  • This class was very educational for me. law is an interest of mine, and for law to be combined with business was a great way for me to be introduced to the legal regulations in the business world. I learned so much from going through different famous cases and lawsuits.
  • this class was extremely important to me as it gave me a good understanding of how there are certain processes that must be followed when making and signing a contract. And how companies should be more careful of protecting their customers and ensuring their safety. As a business student, it’s important for me to know the ethics and morals of a company that I work for and that there are rules to follow in each place I work in.

Information Systems in Organizations

  • This class was a great introduction to management information system and it taught me how to make an e-portfolio and draw a diagram from a scenario.
  • The material I learned in this class was necessary for me. For instance, “Probability” is a topic that should be a basic understanding for anyone working in the business field; it gives people clues and allows them to predict certain possibilities that could occur in the future that might have some effect on the business conducted.

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