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AIS Speaker Series – 4 Adam Selverian

  1. Title of the activity : AIS Speaker Series – 4 Adam Selverian
  2. Term of the activity : Spring 2022
  3. Name of sponsoring organization : Adam Selverian’s experiences in insurance and technology
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when) : Alter 033, March 14th 2022
  5. What you learned:Jobs
    • Schedule and manage projects at the global level
    • Manage a team of 5 project managers in the US and EU
    • Type of projects : Business / operational and ITResponsibilities
    • Create project management center of excellence
    • Implement agile methodology
    • Portfolio project managmentSkills required
    • Under-grade in business or tech
    • Master’s degree
    • Internships / co-ops in the insurance industry
    • certifications:
      Tech certificates
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Leadership
    • Being able to negotiate
    • Time management
    • Conflict management
    • Risk management
    • networking
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals:
    I learned several skills to acquire to work in the field of insurance and technology. The lecture was greatly helpful to motivate myself to become more knowledge about the skills that I have to attain as a MIS major.
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