I found this article rather interesting for a few reasons. Putin makes a comment that brings up a valid point, and he said something to the effect of; it doesn’t really matter who hacked the emails, what matters is the information that was made public. I tend to agree with him. If servants of the public (politicians) who are paid by the public and made a public oath begin to exchange emails that evidence corrupt practices then that information should be made public. An election should be conducted on the basis of full transparency. If the public votes then all information should be made available for the public to digest ESPECIALLY if its information pertaining to the election.
That is the foundation of free markets. Any and all information must be made available for a market to function properly, if not the market is broken and will fail. That is a universal truth about free markets. So I consider whoever hacked the email that ended up getting Debbie Schultz ousted did, in fact, do a societal good.
I can foresee hacktivist groups becoming more and more prevalent as corruption becomes more and more visible, regardless of borders…