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Technology Solutions & Support Specialist

  1. 2022 Internship

    Job Title: Technology Solutions & Support Specialist

    Company: GP Mobile

    Job Term: September 14, 2022 – November 9, 2022 (8 weeks)

    Company Info: GP Mobile is one the leading franchises in T-Mobile. They have a total of almost 600 stores and recently bought other large franchises. GP Mobile has a total of 4100 employees and is in 25 states and 416 cities. I worked in the back office at the location in Willingboro, NJ.

    Job Function & projects: In my role, I was able to diagnose technical issues for the Front line teams who submitted any problems to the CRM. I also managed hardware troubleshooting among 7 stores in New Jersey. I was also used in installing any new software on REMO tablets and helping to provide updates for them. Most of my work was done through the Front-Line teams reporting problems in REMO tablets being down and tablets not properly booting up. One project I did while on the job was trying to analyze data of customers who were due for new electronics and to send that out to the team and have them follow up. A project I worked on was viewing the morale of employees after GP Mobile decided to fully switch to REMO tablets. Employees were so used to using desktop computers that some of them were very frustrated, however, we found many solutions to this as a team. 

    Takeaways: One thing I thought I would be doing more of was using Languages like Javascript, HTML, CSS, and SQL. However, the job mainly used Excel and a little bit of HTML. I did happen to learn a lot more tricks in HTML and Excel through the help of my peers and can’t wait to start my next internship!

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