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AIS Mentorship Program

In the semester of fall 2019, I had the opportunity to be apart of the mentorship program through the Association of Information Systems. I was able to learn a lot from my amazing mentor on how to be successful throughout the rest of my college career. My mentor helped me choose my classes for the next semester and put me on the right track. We also had a fun day in Center City, Philadelphia, shopping for business professional attire. She was able to guide and give me great advice, and I will always be able to contact her even after the mentorship program. I’m glad I was able to be apart of this program because this has been valuable to me.

Additionally, I had the second opportunity to be apart of the mentorship program during the semester of spring 2020. This semester I had a new mentor and the experience was equally as amazing for me. Through the program, my mentor gave me incredible advice and guided me through some difficulties I was facing with my coursework. I was also given the confidence to make the right decisions when choosing my classes for the upcoming semester. She made this experience very memorable and we will definitely be staying in touch. Once again, I’m glad I was able to be apart of this amazing program which has had a great impact on my life.

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