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Thinkful Webinar || What is UX/UI Design?

In this webinar(Feb 2, 2023), Thinkful discussed the details of user experience and user interface design, and the business opportunities available in these fields. Specifically in regards to UX design, they explained the different steps involved in a research process, those being research, define, ideate, prototype, test, and implement. I think that this process brings up a number of different similarities to what I am currently learning in MIS 2101(Digital Systems.) We are have discussed business processes, and the webinar provided a clear example of how those processes can look in a business setting. Overall, I think that this webinar definitely helped me define my career goals, as I recognized that I enjoy the work that comes with the intersection of design, development, and overall user experience. It introduced me to a number of career paths that I was formerly unaware of, such as Product Design and Product Management.

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