MIS 2101 – Digital Systems
An understanding of digital systems helps develop and manage information systems that rely on digital technology. Information systems involve managing large amounts of data, and this course helped me further understand how data can be stored, processed, and transmitted in digital systems. The knowledge from this course is valuable in designing and implementing information systems.
STAT 2103 – Statistical Business Analytics
This statistics course taught me the importance of using statistical tools and methods to analyze data. This understanding can be helpful in collecting, processing, and analyzing data for real-world business problems. This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to make data-driven decisions that can impact the overall strategy of a business.
ECON 1101 – Macroeconomic Principles
Macroeconomics provided insight into the current economic environment & the business environment as well. This knowledge can be valuable as it can help professionals to anticipate economic trends and adjust business strategies accordingly. This course has assisted me in developing critical thinking skills, including the ability to analyze and interpret data, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions.
HRM 1101 – Leadership & Organizational Management
This course delivered an understanding of organizational structure. Knowing topics such as organizational design, culture, and behavior is essential to understanding the structure and dynamics of organizations. This course also developed leadership skills, including communication, collaboration, and decision-making, which is valuable in leading cross-functional teams/collaborating with different departments within a business.