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Marketing & Outreach Assistant

  1. Information about the organization (e.g., type, size, location, specific division/department in which you are employed)
  • The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute (IEI) at the Fox School of Business promotes a bold entrepreneurial and daring innovative spirit across Temple University’s 17 schools and colleges. Through a combination of inventive classroom education, workshops, conferences, customized mentor-ship, and events, IEI provides students the skills, resources, and courage to launch their own ventures.  Although IEI is located within the Strategic General Management department, I was directly employed by IEI and reported to the Director of Student Engagement.
  1. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)

Responsibilities for this position include but are not limited to: developing marketing content, creating marketing work plans, identifying opportunities for student outreach, effectively communicating with faculty to schedule class presentations, visiting classes to speak about IEI academic programs, and attending events to network with prospective students. This position will also be responsible for creating and maintaining macro-enabled spreadsheets to track marketing communications, analyzing engagement and enrollment data, and creating dashboard visualizations of current student engagement. The marketing and outreach assistant will also help oversee IEI ambassadors, including, but not limited to training, scheduling, and supervising presentations & other forms of outreach they conduct.

  1. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)

Evaluated prior engagement data to effectively develop and implement strategic initiatives to market entrepreneurial academic and co-curricular programs at an urban university serving 40,000 students.


Successfully coordinated with professors and faculty to facilitate 28 presentations about

entrepreneurial resources across various academic departments, resulting in contacts with upwards of 300 interested students.


Collected, evaluated, and summarized all relevant marketing and outreach data by creating visualization dashboards for the director of student engagement using Excel and Tableau.


Analyzed requirements and successfully developed an internalized engagement database management system in Access to streamline market segmentation by consolidating and cleansing all prior event attendance, course registrations, and other relevant engagement metrics for IEI.


Designed and maintained excel spreadsheets (macro-enabled) to track marketing communications with external parties such as professors, administrators, and other faculty.

  1. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this internship in the context of specific courses).

A huge part of what I learned as a result of this position relates to the MIS Data Analytics class. In this position I had the opportunity to put into practice specifying cardinality between entities in Access, running queries in SQL, and using prior enrollment and engagement data to effectively develop a marketing plan

.IEI – Marketing and Outreach Assistant Winter 2018

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