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Compared to the materials we have covered in MIS2502, for example, we have learned how to retrieve and store structure data across MySQL, however, Hadoop is the replacement of SQL and can perform large size of big data set with both structured or unstructured, instead, MySQL can do only limited amount of data manipulation. With the using of HDFS and YARN, it dramatically increases the storage capacities and scalability. Similar with R, we have done a lot of practices by using RStudio through R programming language for computing and graphics analysis. Hadoop also need programming language such as java, Python to finish the data distribution process. If you are interested in more about Hadoop, please feel free to take a look.


United States Census Data


To learn about the census data in America, using public source Factfinder to perform basic mapping and spatial statistical analysis. By looking for the geography data and different variables, creating a map that shows different population who have media income household in lower North Philadelphia. Also, with changing the variable, we could analyze different age, income, countries, states, industries…and generate a visualized mapping by census tract. Here is one of the specific examples of Census Analysis if you are interested.


By observing the students’ activities and collected related data in 17 locations around Temple university, I created a 3D Google Map and concluded 6 variables, 4 key factors that effect the bike stations distributions and the frequency of usage. There are 4 locations which have highest frequency that reach to 90% and the common characteristics are all around dining zones. If you are interested about the data sets I collected and factors analysis, please feel free to take a look.


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