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I gained valuable information in courses that I enrolled in at Temple’s Fox School of Business. The information that I learned is extremely relevant to many of the careers that I am considering to enter after graduation. Below is a list of some of the courses that I believe were valuable to me and what information I learned that I believe is most valuable to my future career aspirations.

Lead Global Digital Projects: In this course I learned skills and tools to use as a Project Manager. I also learned about Change Management and how to control change. Along with several of my peers, I served as a Project Manager for a real project. This experience was crucial for preparation for a career in Project Management. In this course, I learned how to lead a group of Business Analysts and how to communicate effectively with clients.

Application Integration and Evaluation: This course further enhanced my HTML, CSS, PHP, and SQL skills. I also learned about digital libraries that assist developers in creating web applications such as Bootstrap and jQuery. I was exposed to JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, APIs, and several other valuable tools in web development. Knowing about these tools and how to utilize them provide the skills for a career in Web Development. Knowing about these languages and tools also can provide me with valuable knowledge of what my team is working on if I decided to pursue a career in Project Management.

Enterprise IT Architecture: This course was one of the most valuable courses that I enrolled in at Temple University. Here I learned about the different structures and technologies that a network’s architecture can consist of. I learned how to create a network and configure devices to a network. I utilized Microsoft Azure and virtual machines to develop my skill set. In this course I also learned how to concisely convey the value of emerging technologies. This course paid off dividends in my most recent internship, where I interacted with servers and networks, specifically File Share Servers. This course is extremely valuable to provide skills that will be utilized in a career in Database Administration or Network Administration.

Digital Solution Studio: In this course, I learned how to elicit business requirements and create solutions for digital projects. I learned how to create Use Cases and other valuable documents that are required in the development of deliverables for projects. Along with several peers, I developed a solution to a real life business case with a real client. The skill learned in this course are extremely valuable for a career in Business Analysis.

Data-Centric Application Development: In this course I learned basics of HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL. Also, I practiced additional SQL apart from my Data Analytics course. In this course I also learned to use PDO to get applications developed on a local server with HTML, SQL, and PHP to access databases, both local and remote. This course provides the foundation for skills that are needed for a career in Web Development.

Data Analytics: In this course I gained proficiency in SQL, learned about the structures of business systems, learned how to create and analyze ERDs, learned how to use Microsoft Excel to preform ETL and create Pivot tables to analyze data, learned how to use R and RStudio, learned about Decision Trees, and learned various other skills pertaining to Data Visualization.  The skills and concepts that I learned in this course provided me with a solid foundation for the other courses in MIS. Creating and running database queries was extremely important to become proficient in because I would like to one day become a Database Administrator.

Excel for Business Applications: This course has taught me a variety of skills that are invaluable. Among the important topics Formulas, Charts, What-If analysis, and Pivot Tables have proved very useful. This course truly granted me proficiency in Microsoft Excel. I have already used many of the functions and tools that I learned in this class in my internships and other courses. Tools such as Pivot Tables are extremely important for data manipulation and analysis.

Risk Management and Insurance: This course, while not immediately pertinent to the field of study for an MIS major, is extremely important. In this course I have learned even more about probabilities and other areas of statistics. In this course we learned how to analyze risk, which is important for a variety of potential MIS careers such as those related to Cyber Security, which is a relatively new and evolving peril to businesses in every industry.

Managerial Accounting: This course is important for anyone becoming a manager. In this course I learned various analyses that managers in a firm use to determine profitability. I also learned much about budgeting and how critical proper budgeting is to a business. We also touched on ethics, which is important in every field. These skills relate to a career in MIS because any career in Information Systems Management or Project Management requires you to think as a manager. You must have a proficiency in creating budgets and financial analysis.

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