Community Platform
  • Cyber-security
  • Data analytics
  • Intellectual property
  • Web analytics
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Professional Interests

Data Analytics

I have an interest in data analytics and finding patterns in large amounts of data. Learning the basics of this in MIS 2502 was very enjoyable.

nhl photo


From a young age I have had a profound interest in programming. When I was in grade school I made my first website and explored other areas of coding and programming. I enjoyed my MIS 3501 coursework for this reason.

Personal Interests


I am a huge Philadelphia Flyers fan. I still remember my first Flyers game when I was 5. I watch every game and attend the games at the stadium frequently. I hope to one day have season tickets. I also enjoy playing hockey with friends and watching other NHL teams especially around playoff time.

nhl photo

Photo by stksave27

Video Games

One of my favorite hobbies is playing video games. I play wide variety of titles such as NHL, Madden, NBA 2K, Fortnite and Call of Duty. It is a great way to relieve stress and pass time in my opinion.

video games photo


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