Data Analytics Challenge – Fall 2014
I was selected to go to this particular event because of my project that I submitted through my Data Analytics class. I had chosen to break down Lockheed Martin’s data and find the highest threat to the theft of data by an insider. Once I was chosen, I had to prepare a speech/presentation on my info-graphic that had shown all my findings. There were 20 total teams chosen to present to upper management positions in companies such as Lockheed Martin, Campbell’s Soup, Merck, etc.. Getting into this competition to present was an opportunity that not many people were picked to do. It allowed me the opportunity to meet with managers from these large companies and talk about my work. They were able to ask questions about something that you knew they were going to ask about and you got the experience of what presenting to management would be like (and there were also about 100 other people in the room as well, no pressure). You are able to learn about these companies and also learn other ways students approached these same topics.