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Accomplishments & Projects

Data Analytics Challenge Finalist

My challenge was Lockheed Martin. With this particular challenge I had to find potential insider threats. I had only a few Excel spreadsheets to work with. I researched identifiers and used those particulars to narrow down the number of employees to a small number via excel pivot tables. With this data I turned it into an info-graphic that is a lot easier to read than just spreadsheets of data. The final result can be seen here Lockheed Martin Justin Klaugh Inforgraphic. I was chosen as a finalist for this challenge and had to explain how I found my answers and why I chose to do it this way. This speech was given to upper management and directors of Lockheed Martin, Campbell’s Soup Co., RJ Metrics to name a few.

MIS Capstone Project

For this particular project we had to think of an idea and then create an app with proper financials and support information. We chose to make an app that allows you to search for small festivals, music concerts, fairs and other small events. We created bi-weekly status updates, data architecture, systems processes, a data model, a prototype of the app and a slideshow presentation that we gave to our classmates. This project had us take everything that we learned in all of the MIS classes and put it into one business case and solution. I was the main prototyper for the application, and then we all contributed to the rest of the project evenly during our meetings and also outside of our meeting times. The project can be seen here.

Enterprise Architecture Flash Research Along The Way

For this particular project we were tasked with creating an idea for the Apple App Store. I created Along The Way, which is an app that shows a person different stops that they can make along the way while on a road trip. This is the idea that we based our capstone project on; although we did tweak the idea quite a bit. For the paper I came up with the purpose, how it was going to be used, the architecture that would be involved in its creation. I also came up with the way that the app would make money, which is offering a premium service allowing the users to see 100% of the events while the free version only allows 50%.

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