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In Enterprise IT Architecture I learned different types of architecture that is involved in Information Technology. We learned about data centers, computer hardware, setting up a server and running it from separate computers. This knowledge prepared me for my current internship by showing me how servers work and why our data centers are extremely important.

In Data Analytics we were taught how to use MySQL and how databases are structured and used. Using MySQL really helped me by showing me how data is pulled out of our databases and how exactly it is written into it.

Digital Design and Innovation we learned how business processes are used and we also learned the software JustinMind. JustinMind is an application Prototyper that we used to create an phone application for Forgotten Philadelphia and TU Press. We learned what we had to do if we wanted to be a business analyst and all the steps that are required when they are assigned to a project. This particular project was one of the most important classes that I have taken. It showed me how to analyze problems in a business and the steps that should be taken to providing a solution

Lead Global Digital Projects we learned how to manage projects and how to be project managers. We worked with other students in the Digital Design and Innovation class and guided them through their projects and made sure that they accomplished everything that was asked.

Data-Centric Application Development is where we learned how to code HTML, CSS and PHP. HTML and CSS is very helpful in knowing how a website looks the way it does. PHP coding showed us how to insert data into a database and extract it from a website that we created on our own.

Digital Design and Innovation we learned how business processes are used and we also learned the software JustinMind. JustinMind is an application Prototyper that we used to create an phone application for Forgotten Philadelphia and TU Press. We learned what we had to do if we wanted to be a business analyst and all the steps that are required when they are assigned to a project. This particular project was one of the most important classes that I have taken. It showed me how to analyze problems in a business and the steps that should be taken to providing a solution.

After graduation I am going to be an analyst so this coursework has helped me to master my analytical skills and put them towards a specific purpose. The courses have taught me how to critically think and produce multiple solutions to problems. I have learned how to identify problems and either work through them or around them. With the real world experience I have learned it was easy for me to put this analytical knowledge into practical use at my internship.


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