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Braskem America, Philadelphia, PA

May 2019 – Present

IT Intern

As an IT Intern at Braskem America, I am gaining valuable, real-world experience working for a company that is in the midst of a major digital transformation. Braskem is implementing IT-related improvements throughout all aspects of its business. During my time here, I have had the chance to see the multiple benefits of technology such as RPA, OCR and “Digital Twin.” My role has been to act as an IT Project Manager to ensure these initiatives are successful despite the constraints of cost, quality and time. That being said, I am extremely grateful to have taken MIS 3535, which focused on Project Management essentials such as Agile, Change Management and Budgeting. Another course that has been relevant to my experience is MIS 3506 which introduced me to the importance of gathering business requirements and creating a strong business case. Overall, I believe the versitle nature of my MIS courework has provided me with the knowledge and skills that I need to be successful in an IT-related position.


Image result for fox mis logo

Fox School of Business – MIS Department, Philadelphia, PA

August 2018 – May 2019

Office Worker

Throughout the Fall 2018 semester, I worked as a student worker for the MIS Department. Some of my responsibilities were to:

  • Create agendas for guest speakers
  • Schedule faculty-student lunches
  • Edit and filter through excel files
  • Set up for and clean up after department meetings / events
  • Sit at the front desk and answer visitor questions
  • Act as a general resource for faculty members / students

In addition to these tasks, I also worked on a more elaborate project under the supervision of department head, Joe Allegra. At the beginning of the semester, I learned that Temple’s DIM program relies heavily on manual work that, with the right technology, could be automated. That being said, the department has been looking into ways to achieve this. I was asked to research and test Mautic, which is an automation marketing platform. Throughout the semester, I worked with various Mautic representatives to ensure that the platform would integrate well with DIM’s existing system. At the end of the semester, I submitted a summary of my findings, recommendations and concerns regarding the platform.

My favorite part about being a student worker was the connections I was able to make with many MIS professors, other faculty members and students. By working in the department, I like to think I became a familiar face for the faculty and students. Additionally, I found it to be very rewarding when I was I able to provide direction or advice for students with concerns.




GAUZE, Philadelphia, PA

May 2018– August 2018

Database Intern

• Conducted research on global healthcare systems and presented my findings to the Board of Directors.
• Utilized technological applications for querying of data to validate quality assurance metrics and add incremental facilities to the established list.
• Helped with the development of the Gauze mobile application.







January 2018-April 2018

Media Lab Intern

  • Researched 20 – 30 cryptocurrencies per week; was responsible for compiling and sorting collected data using Microsoft Excel.
  • Worked closely with project leader and team of four to plan promotional events for the HealthyEats start-up.
  • Updated online platforms such as websites and social media accounts, and assisted with video projects.





IVHQ GHANA, The Potter’s Village, Dodowa, Ghana

May – June 2017

Childcare Volunteer

  • Volunteered as a childcare worker at an orphanage/school in rural Ghana for 4 weeks.
  • Organized effective teaching activities and helped students 1-on-1 with English, mathematics and science.
  • Assisted with setting up mosquito nets, bathing children and providing medical care.







June – August 2015 & 2016

Camp Counselor

  • Organized an eight-week summer day camp for over 100 children; planned and executed valuable, safe activities, such as interactive games and a talent show, for children ages 6-14 on a daily basis.
  • Operated in a team-based setting and built relationships with co-workers of diverse ages and backgrounds to accomplish a goal-oriented workplace environment.
  • Offered leadership to campers and acted as a role-model in all areas of camp activities, including punctuality, rules and sportsmanship.


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